Predator: Concrete Jungle (PS2)

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Problem z Predator: Concrete Jungle (PS2)

Dodał marcin.1982   @   20:20, 16.08.2011

Poziom:   6.1

Nie wiem co zrobić w tej misji rozwalam te skrzynki ale nie wiem co dalej .

Dodaj Odpowiedź
0 kudosAndziorka   @   20:31, 16.08.2011
Znów daję do przetłumaczenia:

Note: On the west side of the depot there is a short hallway and a guard in
front of the entrance. If you grapple the guard and carry her up to a scanner
on the roof you can shut off all the cameras. It's not that much of a
difference, but it may help.

Hoorah, more fuzzy tech vision fun. Switch to the familiar green vision mode
and note the bright lines running along the ground. Follow that first set
of lines to the left and follow it to find a power feed box. Destroy it with a
spear to take it out.

Jump onto the roof and head south to find the next power feed behind a guard.
You can easily kill these guards from behind by performing an execution, or
simply spear them once in the head. Take out that second power feed box when
you're ready.

Now, return to the roof and look at the large BORGIA sign to the south. Just
below that is another power box. Go into 1st person view and zoom in to shoot
the box with a spear.

The final box is located inside a small hallway on the west side of the depot.
Run around the ledges on the south side to get to it and enter the hallway.
Once you destroy that box the elevator shaft in the middle of the depot will
open up. Go and jump inside, but use the beams along the way to slow your

Be sire to cloak before you enter as this area has plenty of Ulysses robots and
guards to mow you down. Switch to tech vision and run to the east side of the
room. Jump up onto the walkway above. Avoid the pulse mines if you can and take
out the nearby guards, then start attacking the tank of blue goo. Once the
beeping becomes rapid run away as quickly as possible to avoid the explosion.
Run to the next two tanks on the walkway and blow them up in the same manner.

The final tank is located on a platform in the south-west corner. Jump from the
walkway to reach it and blow it up. Once that tank explodes, return to the
walkway and attack the glass tube in the middle of the room to set off the
whole system. Quickly jump down and run to the elevator shaft to escape.