Predator: Concrete Jungle (PS2)

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Problem z Predator: Concrete Jungle (PS2)

Dodał marcin.1982   @   13:33, 11.08.2011

Poziom:   6

Nie wiem co trzeba zrobić po namierzeniu tego gościa który siedzi z tymi panienkami w budynku .

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0 kudosAndziorka   @   13:35, 11.08.2011
Z forum:

It's finally time to hunt down the "criminal genius", El Hongo. Jump across
the large water tanks and head east to the roof of a building, then look north
to a large window beyond some crates. Inside the window you should see El Hongo
and Baby Blew (great names, ey?). Stand on the crates and switch to 1st person
view to lock-on and view a cutscene.

Now look up to find a long beam that goes over the path. Jump up to grab the
beam and swing your way across to the roof of the large building. Look west
from that tall building to find a hole in the large stacked crates. Enter that
hole and follow that path to the other end to reach a large open area. Stay
at the edge of the tunnel and use 1st person view and the speargun to shoot
and kill the guards nearby on the left and the ground. Head out and right from
there to shoot a guard keeping watch on a crate, two guards inside a small
storage house, and one last guard on a ledge in the north part of the area.
Jump down when it's all clear and open the crate inside the storage house to
get some pulse mines.

Go back through the tunnel and return to the roof of the building where the
long beam starts. Jump onto the next building and go into 1st person view. Keep
your eye on the narrow alley between the buildings and wait for the target to
appear near the door, where she'll stop to say a password. Make sure you're
locked-on in 1st person view to record it. Once she enters lock-on to the
voice console (still on the roof) and use vocal mimicry. This will open the
door, allowing the two black guards to walk away. Enter after they leave and
kill the chick in the schoolgirl outfit. Hey, remember those pulse mines? Lob
a couple of those bad boys at the two generators to shut them down and disable
the magnetic fields and cameras.

Follow the path and head north to the newly opened gates. Use the cloak to
sneak past the two guards at the gate and proceed to the large tower at the
west end of the dock. Climb up the netting and use the crane to reach the
ship's deck and the cargo hold underneath. The objective is to blow the ship
out of the water, so run to the east end (watch for guards) and blow up one of
the blue Prometheus canisters. This will start a chain reaction giving you only
20 seconds to get out of the ship and return to the dock.

After the ship explodes your only remaining objective is to kill El Hongo.
Follow the same path and return to the starting area with the many large water
tanks. Track down the target on the radar to kill Hongo and end his pathetic
crime spree.

/przetłumacz sobie/
0 kudosMicMus123456789   @   14:01, 11.08.2011
Mogłaś już być na tyle uprzejma żeby mu to przepuścić przez translator ;D