Trofea do Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (PS3)0 Gilberto @ 18:24 29.12.2010 Krzysztof "Gilberto" Gwóźdź Mam na imię Krzysztof, pochodzę z Krakowa :) Interesuję się przede wszystkim muzyką dlatego też pogrywam sobie na gitarce klasycznej oraz elektrycznej. :> 0 kudosMaster of the Secret ArtsPlatinum TrophyLearned the Reverse Wind.Bronze TrophyLearned the Furious Wind.Bronze TrophyLearned the Shadowless Footsteps.Bronze TrophyLearned the Flying Swallow.Bronze TrophyLearned the Flying Bird Flip.Bronze TrophyLearned the Obliteration Technique.Bronze Trophy Learned the Ultimate Technique.Bronze TrophyLearned the Ultimate Guidance.Bronze TrophyLearned to the Counter Attack.Bronze TrophyLearned the Unrivaled Soaring.Bronze TrophyLearned the Invisible Path.Bronze TrophyLearned the Izuna Drop.Bronze TrophyLearned the Guillotine Throw.Bronze TrophyLearned the Art of the Inferno.Bronze TrophyLearned the Art of the Wind Blades.Bronze TrophyLearned the Art of the Flame Phoenix.Bronze TrophyLearned the Art of the Piercing Void.Bronze TrophyCompleted Chapter 1.Bronze TrophyCompleted Chapter 4.Bronze Trophy Completed Chapter 7.Bronze TrophyCompleted Chapter 10.Bronze TrophyCompleted Chapter 13.Bronze TrophyCleared the PATH OF THE ACOLYTE.Silver TrophyCleared the PATH OF THE WARRIOR.Silver TrophyCleared the PATH OF THE MENTOR.Silver TrophyCleared the PATH OF THE MASTER NINJA.Silver TrophyMastered the PATH OF THE ACOLYTE.Silver TrophyMastered the PATH OF THE WARRIOR.Silver TrophyMastered the PATH OF THE MENTOR.Silver TrophyMastered the PATH OF THE MASTER NINJA.Gold TrophyFeat of a Hundred SlashesBronze TrophyFeat of a Thousand ObliterationsBronze TrophyFeat of Ultimate DestructionBronze TrophyIzuna Drop MasterBronze TrophyGuillotine Throw MasterBronze TrophyDragon Sword MasterBronze TrophyLunar Staff MasterBronze TrophyFalcon's Talons MasterBronze TrophyDual Katana MasterBronze TrophyKusari-gama MasterBronze TrophyEclipse Scythe MasterBronze TrophyTonfa MasterBronze TrophyVigoorian Flail MasterBronze TrophyEnma's Fang MasterBronze TrophyUltimate Ninpo MasterBronze TrophyRescued 100 ninja.Bronze TrophyAyane mastered.Silver TrophyMomiji mastered.Silver TrophyRachel mastered.Silver TrophyAll missions successfully completed.Gold Trophy
Krzysztof "Gilberto" Gwóźdź Mam na imię Krzysztof, pochodzę z Krakowa :) Interesuję się przede wszystkim muzyką dlatego też pogrywam sobie na gitarce klasycznej oraz elektrycznej. :>